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Vangmay Sachan

Hello, I am Vangmay (Waang-maye), an undergraduate student at National University of Singapore. Welcome to my digital homepage. I like to learn new things in the field of computing and often dive into a deep rabbit hole to learn more about different concepts so I made this website to allow me to share some of these things. I enjoy tackling projects that push me out of my comfort zone and serve as an opportunity to learn new things! I also enjoy teaching others about topics that I find interesting and discussing about them, so feel free to reach out đź‘‹.

About Me

My love for computer science began when I encountered visual basics during classes in middle school and started tinkering around with it and making random projects like quizzes,games using the software. I started to dive deep inside the rabbit hole of programming, computer science and artificial intelligence. What I love the most about the subject is its ability of simulate intelligence using mathematics. I also admire how well computer science is able to work with other disciplines to solve domain specific problems.


I like to spend my time writing code and getting to learn new things. My favourite programming language is Python, majorly because of how convenient it is to use libraries such as Pytorch and TensorFlow. I enjoy working with Javascript, Next.Js is my go-to framework because of its features such as dynamic routing.

Besides that, I like to try out different programming languages which has led me to be familiar with alot of them like Java, C, C++, Haskell and OCaml . Besides that, I also try out different domains of programming such as Frontend, Backend, Artificial Intelligence and Compiler Development. I love to break open modern abstractions and figure out how things works underneath the syntactic sugar.

Teaching and Hackathons

Before leaving for University, I helped organise the first high-schooler-led hackathon in my city, CodeDay Lucknow. It was pretty cool. I got to mentor people for workshops and also conduct one myself.

Photo of me giving a workshop

Later on, I flew to Bengluru to participate in CodeDay Bengluru. It was a fun experience, I pulled off my third all-nighter and also conducted a workshop on AI to help attendees understand when it means when we talk about "Training a neural network".

Books and Movies

Many of my favourite films are by the filmmaker Wes Anderson, for me his films are an escape from reality. I really like his style of bright colours and also the comedic feel it brings into his stories. Some of my favourite films are Drive my car, Goodfellas, The green knight and Star Wars (Sequel and Prequel triologies). The book I read are sometimes fiction, sometimes Science and also philosophy. Currently I am reading Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostovesky .

Here are books I recommend


George Orwell

No Longer Human

Ozamu Dazai

Kafka on The shore

Haruki Murakami

Algorithms to Live by

Brian Christian

A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence

Michael Wooldridge

Special Mention Discrete mathematics with applications By Susanna S. Epp (Helped me go through Discrete mathematics 10/10 fully recommended)
    Books in my reading list
  • Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid
  • How to Solve It
  • Crime and punishment


Currently I am:

  • Enjoying the summer :)
  • Participating in Buildspace nights and weekends s5
  • Working on my first research project
  • Organizing CodeDay Lucknow (Yup, we're back!)
  • Completing Fast AI course part 2
  • Grinding leetcode đź’Ş

Other stuff

I recently discovered the world of bouldering and rock climbing, ever since then I have been highly interested in the sport and hit the climbing gyms quite often

I enjoy playing chess, currently I am rated 978 in I did kendo this year and found it to be super fun. Also this year, I experienced the taste of 5 different cuisines, attended my first concert and learned how to play mahjong and now I enjoy playing it with friends :)


  • [Bollywood-GPT] : I fine tuned a GPT-2 model on a corpus of bollywood movies so that when I provide it genres, the model is able to generate summaries of new movies and also recommend suitable actors and titles for the project.
  • [] : A website for a non-profit organization
  • [Minima]: A barebones online text editor
  • [CharacterClassification]: A neural network that I trained using transfer learning to identify characters from my favourite sitcom “the office”


  • [Another classification task]: Trained a neural network on the CIFAR-10 dataset
  • [Minimax Algorithm] : Wrote the minimax algorithm for tic tac toe.
  • [The bridge and School newsletter]: Designed my school’s newsletter and magazine (More than 10 issues designed using Adobe InDesign)
  • [Computer Science club]: Conducted workshops on AI, web development and programming langauges at my school (I love to teach)
  • [BinaryPages v2] : The predecessor of this website (Made using Chakra UI and Next.js)
  • [BinaryPages v1]: The predecessor of the predecessor of this website (Made using HTML/CSS and JS)

Design inspirations

These websites are what I used as the design inspiration to mine.